Dew Underground Featured Artists: Quang Lee and Ray Young Chu
These conceptual artists from Southern California are putting their heads together to come up with something new. Their work is inspired by pop culture and, of course, life in SoCal. “When we paint, we just want to have fun. If we come up with an idea that makes us laugh–stupid little jokes or whatever–we’ll start from there”.

The guys met in 2006 when they were in the same art show, and started painting together shortly thereafter. They’ve been doing a bit of work for LRG and RVCA, and appreciate the style associated with action sports.

Dew Underground Featured Artists: Quang Lee and Ray Young Chu
They were hard at work for a few days inside the Dew Underground tent, talking to visitors and showing them what goes into their work. Here’s a photo of the intricate stencil the guys were working on…
Dew Underground Featured Artists: Quang Lee and Ray Young Chu

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