Picture This: Ian Thorley

Picture This is an Alli feature designed to give you a peek into the lives of today’s top action sports athletes. For this installment, we sent snowboarder Ian Thorley a random list of things to take pictures of with his camera and here’s what he sent back, complete with his thoughts on each shot:

front of house

Picture of the front of your house: Here is a picture of the house I grew up in back in Michigan. I spend a good amount of time at my parents’ during the fall when boarding is on hold.

contents of backpack

Contents of your backpack: I live out of my backpack, and at any given time you can find more random things than a thrift store. No matter what though, I always have my laptop and a magazine to help time pass.


Your backyard: My parents’ backyard. The Olympic trampoline has sent more friends to the hospital than I can keep track of. In the background is Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world!

electronic gadget

Your favorite electronic gadget: iPhone. Typical, I know, but you can’t leave home without it. I need this thing to keep track of stocks, send emails and arrange pickups from the airport!


Picture of your pet: Duke, the family dog. You should have seen him when the Lakers beat the Celtics!


A meal you ate that day: Breakfast the most important meal of the day! So important, I sometimes eat it three times a day!

self portrait

Self-portrait with your family: My late Grandma. She was a hooooot! People who met her knew that she would say what was on her mind no matter how rude it may have been. HAHA.


Contents of your fridge: This thing is so packed that it’s unusable! You can’t even find what you’re looking for because it’s filled up so much.


One of your collections: Dew Tour trophy from finals at Mount Snow, Vermont. I think this was one of the best days of my life. Good friends, fun course and, as always, Dew Tour put on a killer after-party!


Plus any random photo you want: When I’m not riding, I love to take my car down to Highway 1. It’s by far the best driving road in the U.S. Jump on it north of San Fran and rip for hours… just make sure you don’t mess up and put your car into the ocean.

Picture This: Ian Thorley

Missed the last Picture This with snowboarder Spencer O’Brien? Check it out.

And make sure to come back when Steve Fisher shares his pictures.

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